Helen Paulucci, a Southern Tablelands artist who studied in Florence and the Netherlands, approached me to ask whether she could paint my portrait for the Archibald Prize! Thus began an interesting journey, travelling down to her studio regularly for sittings and learning a little something more about Art and how it is created in the process. Spending so much time together over that precious period of 9 months or so, we discovered many things we had in common as female artists who had come to our callings later in life and impeded by other considerations. We both get what it is like to reach that point where you can no longer “refuse the muse”….. and we forged a great friendship.
Fast forward three years and one baby later, and Helen and I have finally achieved our aim of a collaborative exhibition/concert – something I hope we get an opportunity to repeat soon as it was such a special afternoon!
The feedback was pretty overwhelming, as was the introduction! “Karen has such personal and musical presence and beauty: when I first heard and saw her perform I was determined to paint her portrait.” It reminded me once again (pfft, you’d think I’d have absorbed this by now) that how I feel about my work, and how I show up in the world as a vessel for music are two separate things about which I should be both humble and grateful.
Please, I would encourage you to go to Helen’s website and check out her stunning work, ever evolving as she travels and extends herself (she is currently doing a residency in Scotland). A beautiful person, dedicated to bringing more beauty to the world. http://helenpaulucci.com/portfolio/exhibitions/