However, never one to let such disturbing gaps in my self-knowledge hold me back from an adventure, from mid-September I am off to spend a year studying as a postgraduate at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria! [Cue all manner of Sound-of-Music-related, groan-inducing humour]. I’ll be studying under Barbara Bonney, who has been an idol of mine since I was a teenager, and whom I cannot yet be in the same room with without being intensely uncool in my attempts to be cool about the fact that she is, in fact, Barbara Bonney. (After my first meeting with her, slightly overwhelmed, I managed to lose my way out of her building. Which probably would have been fine had I not then unfortunately met her heading for her front door, five minutes after I’d left her studio. I was emerging from her basement and in response to her quizzical look could only muster “Um. Yeah. I lost the front door.” Nice work, Fitz-Gibbon. Smooth.)
I’m really very excited, and of course rather nervous. (This is called “understatement”.) This will be a fantastic opportunity for me to eat as much strudel as humanly possible (which I think deep down is a goal for most people) and perhaps create some unforgettable tableaux using the excellent Wolfgang Mozart Action Figures I saw in a shop when I visited (which I may post for you at the right moment). But it goes without saying that I consider myself a very, very lucky girl. Somewhere in my youth, or childhood……I must have done something good?