I'm looking forward to this for a few reasons. First of all, I think it will be wonderful tonic for my somewhat tired voice. Piping away up where I belong, getting my coloratura back in order, and this amongst the soothing balm of comparatively-predictable harmonic progressions (whilst staying in the one time signature for a whole line, let alone the whole section!).... Ah yes. I am a lucky girl to have such wonderful variety in my work at the moment!
Also I'm quite excited as this is my first participation in a full oratorio so it will be interesting to get the complete dramatic curve of the story, rather than just performing excerpts in concert.
And finally there is the fact that it is with a singularly sweet bunch of people, the CCS, for whom I have a special place in my heart as they were the first choir I ever sang with as a soloist, way back in 2009. I remember being backstage freaking out completely and one of them giving me a hug! Their Musical Director, Tobias Cole, is also a real inspiration, and his passion for Handel (as for music and life in general!) is formidable.
Hope that you will be able to make it along to join us if you are down Canberra way next weekend!